When I think of being a Christian, it's almost like being encased in something else. Your entire person is encased, I mean- it feels like you are you, but then there's this extra layer of something else that's not quite explainable until you've got that yourself.
As frustrating as it is to hear that- the whole "you just can't understand until you .. well, can" - it's kind of like life before you fall in love. Come on, tell me that you didn't at least try explaining what it was like falling in love to someone who never has. You end up at an impasse, acquiescing to "well, hmm...You'll get it...someday."
That being said, here is a picture I drew for a fella whom I am smitten with. He's also Christian, and that came out here as being a little boy in a bear suit- the extra later. Yet layer upon layer, I think God's grace is on him... I just do. So eloquent, huh? Nah.
Medium: Prisma colors, ink