In honor of the holiday I am posting a Jack-Rabbit-O-Lantern. Yes, the bunnies take other forms! Enjoy the day, eat a little too much candy, and have a good rest/bloodsugarlevel crash. Medium: Pumpkin, little wooden skewers
I think sometimes other people, intentionally or not so intentionally, shoot us down in our endeavors. No matter what, toot your horn and blow your Bubblicious. Who you are and what you bring- the world needs it, if they know it or now.
I am amidst the forest fires of the year and having a cake baked for me. It's odd and there may be some irony in there somewhere, but it must be said that "he(fella) bakes." It is good. For me. Medium: ink, crayola colored pencils, flour, sugar, eggs, milk, chocolate, whipped cream I think, a whole crunk-load of butter, vanilla, and a whole lotta TLC
I've become privy to a lot of odd pieces of information about the armed forces. Not so much in the way of top secret knowledge (who looms over the big red button, etc), but more in the way of the odd, every day quirks of navy life. This sets my cartoon addled brain a stirring. Medium: ink and crayola colored pencils
As I look for employment in a new environment, I can't help but be a little sad that full time employment as an artist is not an option at this point. As I went for an interview the the other day I had to wait in the car - and I drew this as I waited. I could tell it was me painting something- but the fact that it was a door was a complete surprise to me. Funny, this whole 'art unraveling even as it is in process'. I like it. Medium: pen
I did this picture about a year ago. I was endeavoring to create a profile for children's book companies and this was my 'succession' pic. I still like it, even if the children's book companies did not. There's something starry eyed and magical when you find that someone loves you. I have only one test subject on the matter and it affirms that such data is true. Medium: ink and prisma color
Doesn't it feel, sometimes, that you hold a bit of insanity in one hand and a bit of normalcy in the other? I'm feeling like that quite a bit these days. Sometimes you just can't be cerebral about the actions you take, no matter what the world says. The term 'gut feeling' is a part of the English language fr very good reasons, no? Medium: ink and colored pencils
So today is the end of something and the beginning of something else. This was on my mind as I made this picture yesterday.
It seems difficult, moving shifting, changing and growing - is difficult- but in some weird way, your struggles can bring life and encouragement in the lives of people around you. (that's the fish, swimming in what appears to be tears)