As I look for employment in a new environment, I can't help but be a little sad that full time employment as an artist is not an option at this point. As I went for an interview the the other day I had to wait in the car - and I drew this as I waited. I could tell it was me painting something- but the fact that it was a door was a complete surprise to me. Funny, this whole 'art unraveling even as it is in process'. I like it.
Medium: pen
oh...i like it to. the subconscious appearing in your work and surprising you.
this is a cool one. i especially like that the door painting isn't finished. :)
i can't wait until you start getting published and famous and having people work for YOU.
come to think of it, i can't wait to have that myself as well. let's get 'em. :)
What an encouragement, thank you for your words.
Sometimes it's nice to be told to be 'inexcusably you.'
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