I made this picture this past week while listening to good old Ira Glass on NPR. (BTW, if you go to www.thisamericanlife.org you can give them some money to keep them streaming podcasts to the lot of us American folks. Good cause and all...)
I've sat back and thought about this particular diptych. The Bible discusses 'foxes in the vineyard' in Song of Solomon. What the author was speaking of, were the things that steal our joy. I've had a number of things here in California trying to rob me of my sense of purpose and happiness here. Yet as one of the foxes shines his electric torch on his fellow foxes- I think we can begin to see the crummy things in life as just that; an attempt to steal our joy. I think this is the point at which I can choose to see the foxes for what they are and decide that my joy comes from a place much deeper than the circumstances of life.
Medium: oil
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