Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good aim = bad idea

I drew this picture when I worked in an office. I took the idea
and painted it. I like the results. It seems as though
many of my paintings are about something going very
right or very wrong. This, although comical, is potential
doom for the little girl and her faithful small woodland
creature side kick. I wonder what happened to them...

- on a side note, i've begun painting on old pieces of
a torn up house and am very excited on seeing how it
turns out.. I may be teaching cartooning here in
my little town, and I may be a bidness proprieter
soon. So many 'may be's' - we'll see what pans out, eh?
There is nothing like doing what you love and having
people actually give you money for it...


jonathan said...

me loves it.

teaching cartooning? yeah?

Astrobomb said...

It reminds me of the Alice in wonderland story we never heard of...