Friday, August 24, 2007

X does not always mark the spot

I seem to have a semi-recurring theme of having the bubble burst. This one goes back to that. It's not a bad thing, to make pictures about how we really feel- not to be mistaken with 'how it really is'. Sometimes it feels like the good things in life are going to vanish quickly the moment we start to enjoy them. This doesn't speak of living in a world where I live under a God that loves me and considers me a child. That sounds more like one of those ridiculous Greek gods, no? Perhaps my psyche and my faith need to shake hands and get to know each other.

medium: crayola colored pencils and ink

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Good Clean Fun

This is a picture in a series I did last winter with the fox, bear, and rabbit in it. For whatever reason, these three came to mind quite often.
Please bear (yes, pun intended) with me as i throw up old stuff. (well, new to you, but old to me and proving i need to get my creativity in gear) It is the beginning of school this week and next and as the students come pouring into the office I have little time to do anything else but aid, assist, help, ...d. all of the above.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Timber Contimbued

As Monday comes around, as Mondays do, and vacation ends, as vacations also do- I have more Timber art for you. Feeling imbibed on Timber art yet? I surely hope not- and if so, well, think of the children. Really, do, as I'm sending this link to my brother to have his kids check it out- seriously, how cool would it be if you were five and your art was posted on the WORLD WIDE WEB!! (reply: very cool)

The first pic is of a timber croc and a timber conda. Made by and poorly scanned by me (the colors are a bit funny). The second pic is one of myself and Karissa eating ice cream. I better beware- people will start recognizing me off the street with this drawing!

Saturday, August 18, 2007


And here is a TimberPickle for a TimberWich.
Just because I don't understand it, doesn't mean it isn't a fabulous idea.

also also wik

The family made art too. It's not like I made them or anything. It's just what all the cool kids were doing. (okay, it's what i was doing, and i am still under the delusion that i am cool)
The first picture is a 'timber loon'- and again, just because we didn't see them doesn't mean they don't exist. The second one is a bear giving a hug. Man, it makes me smile big time. If it doesn't make you smile big time, I'd check to make sure your heart is still beating.

The exact opposite of 'down south'.

This past week I've been up north with the fam. We decided to call anything with antlers 'timber ___'. Here are timber snails. Just because I didn't see them in person does not mean they don't exist.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

peeling layers doesn't always make you cry...

I was chatting with a friend of mine (ie, my fella) yesterday and came to the realization, once again, that people are like onions. You think you have a good knowledge of someone and then another layer is revealed.

It's sad that it's taken such a long time to realize once again that people are like onions- because that says to me perhaps I am not delving into the people around me and daring to get to know the next layer. Can I take this metaphor even further and venture to say that sometimes getting closer to the middle of a person can make you cry? Can ruffle feathers?(not talking about an onion here) Can be slightly uncomfortable and challenge your own paradigm?

Concluding thoughts... good fodder for an odder sketch, and time to open my eyes to the richness of the folks around me.

Medium: ink, crayola, and a little of my heart, i think.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A single corny thought

I have a 3 1/2 mile running route that I like to take in the afternoons sometime. I run past a truck with large letters "UNIFORM RENTAL," but every time I run past it I do a double take because I could swear it says "UNICORN RENTAL." In the end, I just wish it would say Unicorn Rental, because how cool would that be? Yet I think I need a unicorn to make a wish like that... that's quite the catch-22, innit?

Medium: Prisma colors and Ink

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Starry starry night

Do you ever have the feeling that things will be all-right despite not seeing the outcome?

As I gear up to travel halfway across the US of A and start a 'life' all over again (sans job or living situation), I have an odd sense that I need not worry- that things outside my perspective are happening and it will all turn out just fine.

It's with this in my brain and heart that this pic comes about. The girl looks in her jar and sees nothin'. She's fixated on this empty jar and yet there's a star in her net. I think I needed to see this picture today and be reminded that very often it's not the stuff I'm looking at that is the answer to the conundrums before me.

medium: prisma colors and ink

Monday, August 6, 2007

A toon of things to do

I like playing with words. Word plays if you will. Or won't, I still like 'em.

Medium: Colored pencils and ink

Thursday, August 2, 2007


I always did like the silliness of The Cat in the Hat and even The Cat in the Hat Returns, though in all honesty it was a little scary when i was 6 years old. This drawing reminded me a bit of it.

In looking at it, it is exactly how I feel at the moment. Have you had days when you feel like you are trying to balance far too many things? The fellow holding the umbrella would have a much easier time of it if he were standing on Solid Ground, no? Why does he seem to be trying to do a high wire act? Is he trying to prove to himself/his friends/the world over that he can do it all while being precariously perched? I don't know. I'd ask him, but he's got that sketchy smarmy grin and I'm going to wait till he gets down from that height.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Swede Life

About a week after I got a job at a university, I noticed a myriad of 'Andersons' 'Olsons' and 'Johnsons' and then realized that it was a Swedish Covenant organization (ie, a church started by Swedes in Minnesota in the mid nineteenth century).

I wondered, shortly thereafter, whom I beat out to get this job, and really what sort of qualifications I had over them. (After all, my name also ends 'son')

Alas, I like working here, and made a painting for their Santa Lucia pageant. I may or may not have dressed up as this girl when I was nine, complete with candles, big white dress thing, red sash, and singing. May or may not have...